Socio-economic challenges faced by Pakistan: CSS Essay
There are a number of socio-economic challenges that need an immediate response on the part of Pakistan to resolve them satisfactorily to pave way for the occurrence of overall progress. Challenges big or small, are challenges, which ought to be faced by all countries—developed or underdeveloped. The major social challenges confronting Pakistan are: 1) Illiteracy 2) Population growth 3) Unemployment among the educated class 4) Lack of imbalance between the rural and urban areas in term of socio-economic opportunities 5) Alienation towards the home culture It may be pointed out that the social challenges are interlinked with economic ones since their roots converge together at a higher level. It is now intended to deal with the aforesaid challenges in some details. Literacy is a basic learning tool for basic education. Literacy does not mean merely the skills of reading and writing but equipping the people with skills to learn, protect, and empower themselves in soci